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It's a journey of engaged creativity!  I hope to claim a bit of space and share whatever space I am privileged to have.  I am a strong believer in equality for all. 

I would like to create art based on personal reflections about structural inequalities, perhaps strengthen empathy and solidarity with people experiencing these inequalities. 

I’ve spent most of my working life as a humanitarian aid worker, and lived and worked in several continents, working with refugees and internally displaced people.  I am a self- taught artist, mentored by other creative practitioners and instead of a Fine Arts degree, I have a Master’s Degree in Development Studies. 

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   Locations and Events

In private collections, hopefully on the street,

   hopefully engaging in discussions.

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What's new?

Is This a Protest presents artists from Ontario, Quebec and Alberta who explore the multi-layered concept of protest through a creative lens. Artists ignite discussion through traditional and non-traditional mediums in oil and acrylic, mixed media, assemblage, textile art, music and spoken word.  Is This a Protest gives the platform to artists’ creative expression on anti-racism, feminism, anti-violence, representation, story-telling and inclusion. Creativity can be a voice, a medium for inquiry, a platform for change.

Vernissage is 5:00pm on April 13 at the Artisan Village, Smith’s Falls. The show runs until Sunday, May 19, 2024. Join us in this edgy, thought-provoking exhibition that challenges, inspires, and resonates with audiences. For more information:

(This is my first curatorial experience, with amazing friend Opal. The pieces are deeply moving,. If you are in the area, please join us. DM for more information.)

Honoured to hear back from friends

Very many friends have gotten in touch after purchasing a piece or reading a blog post, with loving notes about the positive impact on them. I am humbled.  I would like to acknowledge all your notes with humility, love and respect. Thank you so much!  - Bel

“I have already hung my latest Bel Angeles piece ... next to ‘She Does Not Need Your Approval’ in my office and it looks brilliant. As I spend most of the day here, I will have the joyful opportunity of seeing them both for hours and hours ... yay!”

Marie, Ottawa, Canada

“Well folks.... I just needed to close the conversation with one last thank you. Yesterday was such a lovely day and Bel's painting looks perfect hanging over my fireplace! All that is missing are more paintings! .”

Linda, Ottawa, Canada

My work in the last few months is all about planning to try to stop COVID from getting into congregate living settings ... as the risk of transmission is so high. These settings don’t allow people the ability to social distance as bedrooms and washrooms are shared... It is a fine balance between everyone in the home being safe while respecting individual rights of people with mental health issues who are already marginalized and very disempowered. So the concept of this painting has special meaning to me.  ” 

Glenna, Toronto, Canada

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