Housing Insecurity and Homelessness

Housing Insecurity and Homelessness

Countless people experience housing insecurity and homeless. 

This pandemic has highlighted deep structural inequalities of race, gender, poverty, refugees, migrant workers.

"Big picture, we must heal the metabolic rifts separating our ecologies from our economies. In short, we have a planet to win."
Rob Wallace

Transnational Institute (TNI) has an excellent reading list on the inequalities and structures that are at the root of pandemics. Click here to access the reading list.

Wall-to-wall media coverage of the pandemic is a bit overwhelming, yet I feel there is a not enough coverage about the root causes of this pandemic and other disease outbreaks.  Outside of the TNI reading list above, here is an article that goes deeper into these causes so we can focus on pushing for real long-term solutions.   In Vox, on how our environmental practices make pandemics more likely and what we can do at our level to change that.

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